Research areas: 

Structural Health Monitoring | Damage Identification | Condition Assessment of Bridges | Structural Dynamics | Machine Learning | Pattern Recognition | Finite Element Modeling | Earthquake Engineering | Climate Change

CPLP: Comissão Temática de Infraestrutura dos Transportes

A Comissão Temática de Infraestrutura dos Transportes foi criada em 8 de dezembro de 2022 e é uma estrutura operacional de trabalho criada no âmbito dos Observadores Consultivos da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) e que desenvolve a sua actividade específica de debate e de troca de experiências sobre temas da área do transporte multimodal (rodoviário, ferroviário, aquaviário marítimo, fluvial e lacustre, dutoviário e aéreo), com o objetivo de desenvolvimento de boas práticas e da implementação de projetos comuns, consultorias e cursos nas áreas de engenharia e do direito, sempre enquadrada na ação geral da referida organização. Para mais informação.

Coordenador 2022-2024: Adalmir José de Souza | Coordenador 2024-2026: Elói Figueiredo

Upcoming or ongoing courses in structural health monitoring

Introduction to SHM (4th Edition) | January 2025

Summer Course on SHM (2nd Edition) | July 2024 

Organization of special issues or special sessions on SHM-related topics

Special issue on the impact of climate change on the SHM of civil infrastructure

Guest Editors: Eloi Figueiredo (Lusófona University), Ionut Moldovan (Lusófona University), and Luís Oliveira Santos (National Laboratory for Civil Engineering). Here you can find more information.

Special issue on new technologies for SHM

This special issue intends to bring together publications involving new technologies for the SHM of buildings and infrastructure, acting at all levels (sensing, data augmentation, machine learning etc) to highlight the current capabilities and future trends. Here you can find more information.

Trending | Climate change adaptation of our infrastructure

The goal of this project is to develop a systematic framework for the probabilistic assessment of the impact of climate change on the structural health of existing bridges, by coupling climate risk evaluation and health monitoring techniques. Basically, we intend to integrate existing procedures for the assessment of climate change threats into the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of bridges, leading to a climate-aware SHM framework.

This project is funded by EEA Grants Portugal as a partnership between Lusófona University, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) and Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC).

Scientific Publications

Figueiredo, E., Peres, N., Moldovan, I., Nasr, A. (2024). Impact of climate change on long-term damage detection for structural health monitoring of bridges. Structural Health Monitoring.

Figueiredo, E., Peres, N., Moldovan, I., Nasr, A. (2023). Does Climate Change Impact Long-Term Damage Detection in Bridges?. In: Limongelli, M.P., Giordano, P.F., Quqa, S., Gentile, C., Cigada, A. (eds) Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures. EVACES 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 433. Springer, Cham.

Figueiredo, E.; Moldovan, I.; Santos, L.O.; Erduran, E.; Kraniotis, D.; Rebelo, H.; Antunes, V.; Rocha, C. (2022). A Road for Adaptation of Bridges to Climate Change: Conclusions. Seminar, ClimaBridge Project, September 27, 2022, Lusófona University, Lisbon. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23011.63523.

Adapting Existing Concrete Bridges for Climate Change: An Integrated Approach

Figueiredo, E.; Santos, L. O.; Moldovan, I.; Kraniotis, D.; Melo, J.; Dias, L.; Coelho, G. (2023). A roadmap for an integrated assessment approach for climate change adaptation of concrete bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 28(6). DOI 10.1061/JBENF2/BEENG-5735.

Recently, climate change has been posed as one of the greatest concerns for the health of bridges. Although the uncertainty associated with the magnitude of the change is large, the fact that our climate is changing is unequivocal. As a result, making bridges resilient to climate change is a priority for the authorities. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to review the work already done from climate change to bridges and set a roadmap for an integrated assessment approach to the adaptation of bridges to climate change.

Have a look at ASCE's support to the Sustainable Development Goals, in which our "Roadmap for an Integrated Assessment Approach to the Adaptation of Concrete Bridges to Climate Change" has been selected to inspire action.

Climate Action for Buildings and Infrastructure. Adaptation is the pathway for new and existing buildings and infrastructure on their climate journey. This action brings together some answers to some unknowns.

Find out more about it here


Over half of the world’s population lives in cities, and the World Bank estimates that, by 2050, this proportion will have risen to 70%. Rapid urbanization can lead to risks such as increased social instability, threats to critical infrastructure, and potential shortages of water or other basic needs.

This Thursday, May 9th hear two thought leaders, Vincenzo Lapenna of the Italian National Research Council and Eloi Figueiredo of Lusófona University present different perspectives on the ways Geoinformatics tools such as GIS and Remote Sensing can help us create sustainable and resilient cities of the future.

Register here:

Trending | Earthquake in Portugal - August 26, 2024

Trending | Novo Aeroporto de Lisboa (in Portuguese)

Trending | Reconstrução da Turquia e Síria (in Portuguese)

Trending | Reconstrução da Ucrânia (in Portuguese)

Excerto da palestra de 29 de março de 2023, no Auditório Agostinho da Silva, no âmbito das comemorações dos 30 anos de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Lusófona.

Uma versão editada dois axiomas foi publicada em "Dez axiomas e meio para o Engenheiro Civil", Revista INGENIUM, Ordem dos Engenheiros, II Série, N.º 172, pág. 116-117, Abril/Maio/Junho, 2021.

A versão original destes axiomas foi publicado no livro: Engenharia Civil: Uma perspetiva sobre a formação e a profissão, de Carlos Matias Ramos e Elói Figueiredo, Edições Lusófonas, 2020.

Projeto Eiffel (in Portuguese)

O Livro (in Portuguese)

Carlos Matias Ramos e Elói Figueiredo (2020). "Civil Engineering: A perspective on the training and profession". Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. ISBN 978-989-757-133-6. (in Portuguese)

Sessão Pública de Divulgação

21 de março de 2024 às 18h no auditório da sede nacional da Ordem dos Engenheiros em Lisboa.

Esta sessão é apadrinhada pelo Conselho Diretivo da Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Sul. Para mais informações

IMAC Best Paper Award: Computer Vision and Laser Vibrometry Technical Division Sponsored by Trilion Quality Systems and Polytec

This award was established to recognize authors of outstanding papers presented at IMAC.  Papers are judged for their value as contributions to existing knowledge of computer vision and optical techniques and primarily with respect to their value as an original contribution to the subject matter. This award was sponsored Trilion Quality Systems, and you will also receive a $500 prize.

January 27, 2021

Provas de Agregação (Habilitation Exam)

Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto | January 5 and 6, 2022

Title of the lesson "Three decades of statistical pattern recognition paradigm for SHM of bridges"

For more information, please click here.

Structural health monitoring algorithm comparisons using standard data sets

Universidade Sénior Parque da Nações

The Universidade Sénior (US) of Rotary Parque das Nações, of the Rotary Club Lisbon Parque das Nações, is a portuguese university of the third age with the mission to allow each student to acquire, share, update or deepen skills, knowledge and experiences in the areas of health, social sciences, technological and exact, humanities and culture. 

For more details

Rotary Club Lisboa-Parque das Nações 

O Rotary Club Lisboa Parque das Nações é uma associação de profissionais que pratica a troca de conhecimentos e o apoio social, sem fins lucrativos. Pertence ao Distrito 1960 e é membro efetivo do Rotary Internacional desde 15 de dezembro de 2011. Os seus associados adotam, além do lema anual fixado pelo Presidente do Rotary International, os seguintes lemas: “Dar de si, antes de pensar em si” e “Mais beneficia, quem melhor serve”. 

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